Crusaders vs B&I Lions
@MiketheSnow said in Crusaders vs B&I Lions:
The French game is basedbon a strong srummage, and a scrummaging contest. The French refs are precise / pedantic about this aspect of the game.
The Lions have responded to his requests, tge Crusaders haven't
Get Drummond on now. Hall's box kicks and passing is killing us.
@Duluth said in Crusaders vs B&I Lions:
Early push hasn't been refereed correctly in SR. I would have thought experienced players would adjust better than this to the corrrect interpretation
This ref is incompetent. . He can't even set a scrum...
News Alert, Tamanivalu has been sighted......
Crusaders placing themselves under pressure.
@Duluth said in Crusaders vs B&I Lions:
Early push hasn't been refereed correctly in SR. I would have thought experienced players would adjust better than this to the corrrect interpretation
I pretty much agree with this although that last penalty was a solid set scrum with no early push. That was a weird one.
I think Crusaders have been hard done by on 2 of the scrum penalties. Rest I wouldn't quibble with.
Watson should have pinned his ears back
Another aimless kick by Mounga.
Razor better get Drummond on
Watson in fornt of the kicker