Aussie Cricket
@NTA said in Aussie Cricket:
@MN5 said in Aussie Cricket:
@barbarian said in Aussie Cricket:
Don't like Clarke, but reckon he'll be a really good commentator.
Seems 9 have listened to the backlash from last Summer. Clarke and KP are smart hires, and ditching Brett Lee is great too.
Have they got rid of Mark Nicholls too ? ( he asked excitedly )
Not sure.
But they need to get this guy involved.
Loosest Aussie bloke ever can be hit or miss but even my mate who fucken hates cricket thought this was hilarious.
@mariner4life "No one gives a fuck, Mark. Shut up..."
Playing for Australia isn't all it's cracked up to be
Brett Geeves adds his say to the score-settling currently happening in the Aussie cricket books circle.
@mariner4life said in Aussie Cricket:
Playing for Australia isn't all it's cracked up to be
Brett Geeves adds his say to the score-settling currently happening in the Aussie cricket books circle.
I reckon that's a shitload more honest than anything you'll read in Michael Clarke's book
This is a great story about Mark Nicholas meeting Kerry Packer. You get the feeling the decline in 9's commentary has a lot to do with him no longer being around.
Here is the key excerpt - Packer's commentary advice:
“Without warning, he launched into a spellbinding attack on our commentary,” Nicholas wrote. “He talked quietly but firmly and with a sense of threat. His words were less advice than instruction and the long and short of them was: stop telling us something is interesting, the viewer can decide whether it’s interesting; don’t use that word ‘clever’ — it’s a game of cricket, that’s all; stop asking questions of other commentators and excluding the viewer; stop telling us about s*** weather; cut out the in-jokes — we’re not interested in your tennis and golf games or your fish and chips; keep women, kids and blokes who don’t play the game in the loop by keeping it simple and explaining it for dummies; call the f***ing game, not the peripherals; tell us about the game but don’t analyse everything — it’s not science, it’s a game, and all that analysis is boring; call the game; know the players, know the figures, know the conditions and take us inside the game. Don’t lecture. Call the bloody game.”
Looks like they are trying to rectify the current situation though - James Brayshaw has also been punted from the commentary team, thankfully.
That is outstanding.
Packer: “Son, stop telling us how fing cold it is in Hobart and how the fielders’ are wringing their hands and how people are wrapped in anoraks and having a s time. The only people having a s*** time are those of us at home who have to sit here f***ing listening to you.
That's a piece of advice that should be given directly to Bryan Waddle. He seems to often sit there whinging about a game that's going nowhere and heading for a draw. Might be a bit dull for him, but I wouldn't be listening if I wasn't interested.
@barbarian said in Aussie Cricket:
Looks like they are trying to rectify the current situation though - James Brayshaw has also been punted from the commentary team, thankfully.
Punted or walked?
Doesn't matter. The point is, SHAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYNE is still there, so expect shit.
Clarke will be there to hopefully balance the shit out a bit, and get some analysis back into the game.
No surprise Mark Nicholas used a hundred words to say what a dozen could.
Anyway, from the article above:
Mark Nicholas will again be the centre piece of the Channel 9 commentary team with Mark Taylor, Shane Warne, Ian Chappell, Michael Slater, Ian Healy, Clarke and Pietersen to step up to the microphone.
Then a bunch of whatever about Brayshaw's AFL negotiations with 9.
I didn't mind Brayshaw, and understand how a lot don't like him. But at least he was funny. Besides Grumpy Old Chapelli and Shut-The-Fuck-Up Mark, you've got a bunch of bland inanity and Warne just checking his phone for the nearest fake tan salon and hot chicks in the crowd.
It'll still be a dog's breakfast.
Pietersen and Clark might add some good stuff ( he said clutching at invisible straws )
As I've said on here ( and got shot down for ) to me it always sounds better coming from a guy who has been there and done that. The fact Nicholls is a colossal pommy dickwad who hasn't even played test cricket gives me the screaming shits. Fuck off, no one wants you.
@MN5 said in Aussie Cricket:
Pietersen and Clark might add some good stuff ( he said clutching at invisible straws )
As I've said on here ( and got shot down for ) to me it always sounds better coming from a guy who has been there and done that. The fact Nicholls is a colossal pommy dickwad who hasn't even played test cricket gives me the screaming shits. Fuck off, no one wants you.
Thing with Nicholas is that he is actually known for being quite an astute reader of the game, particularly from his playing days. But the act he puts on in the commentary box is beyond ridiculous. Here's hoping he heeds some of the advice above...
Warnie's arrogance is his greatest attribute in the box. He knows the game very well, and doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks, so he tell it.
Clarke is lucky Warnie is there, because after this week it appears the only people in Aus cricket who likes Pup are Pup, and Warnie
Pietersen has been good in the T20 stuff, but lets see what he is like when it's 334-2 on a slow day 3 in Adelaide.
Slater, Healey, Tubby, the pommy fuckwit (oh yeeessss) all offer fuck all. They offer nothing in terms of insight, and it's all blokey back-slapping bullshit, with lashings of over-the-top parochial fuck-knucklery. Thank fuck Lee is gone. He's another arrogant douchebag who offered fuck all.
Chappell is good, especially because he's one of the only ones who will mention when the Aussies have fucked up. Get Punter in, he's great in the Big Bash (and that's from someone who fucking hated him when he played).
@mariner4life said in Aussie Cricket:
Warnie's arrogance is his greatest attribute in the box. He knows the game very well, and doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks, so he tell it.
Forget his skills with dusting up poontang. He seems to know a lot about cricket too. Talk about attributes any youngster should look up to.
@mariner4life said in Aussie Cricket:
@MN5 on the flip side, Warnie does say a lot of fucking stupid things these days, diminishing his legend somewhat.
On the flip side, Warnie put away Liz Hurley, enhancing his legend somewhat.