Update time: Given that for the first 3 games the winners were picked by 9%, 11% and 7%, high scoring was never on the cards. @Corkscrew had 4/5 winners selected by going the home team 1-8 but had no categories so only 35 points. @ACT-Crusader had the best score of 40 followed by @Hurrycanes (38) & @Canes4life (37) who only picked 2 matches but had 3/4 categories. All of ACT Crusader, @KiwiMurph @Chris @mikedogz @dogmeat @george33 picked 3/5. The very worst score was @NTA with 6 and @mikey07 managed 8.
ACT Crusader now leads by 12 from @hydro11 with KiwiMurph in 3rd. In the TSF Cup, @BorderJB sneaked his replay with @Winger but was knocked out in the next round. 16 people are into the next round.
In the battle of the unbeaten teams, South Island made it 4/4 against Blues A and in the battle of the unwinning teams, Canes Black thrashed Blues B.
The notable missing tipster is @dK who has been playing since we started back in 2006 - does anyone have a direct contact route?