Tipping 2021
Still plenty of space in some of the teams to fill up to their full muster of six. Sme of these maybe/should be interested in joining up in the worlds best tipping competition where there are both individual and teams component.
Regulars/last years tippers still to decide on their tips include
Northland @FarNthHayden @Gunner @justin77
Harbour/Auckland @dice @tim @caprice @Virgil
Counties/Waikato @yeetyaah @Hooroo
Bay of Plenty @sportboy @bayimports @Cactus-Jack @KiwiPie @trooa
Hawkes Bay @Stargazer @propsicle @billsy
Wairarapa Bush @victor @buck
Wellington @Winger @laurence
South Island @Corkscrew @Smudge @Kiwiwomble @PhooeyIf some teams are full you will be allocated to another to fill up rosters that might need another tipper, or even the possibility of having a another team like Wellington Development formed if enough want to tip for Wellington! If you were in that boat last season you obviously elect to tip for your preferred option naturally. There is also the individual component as well that also creates a lot of interest.
Others that might want to take the plunge include the likes of @Bovidae @Dan54 @kiwimurph @ACT-Crusader @Daffy-Jaffy @Duluth @booboo @canefan @antipodean @Machpants (Bush might be needing you as both myself and the captain - Waynes World have yet to locate Buck) @MN5 @Number-10 (we seem to struggle to get a 6th tipper for our HB team!) @kev @Pepe @foobaNZ @gt12 @shark @george33 and many others out there that are not listed.
With the lockdown over in Aus there might be a bit more interest from expats over there that will have more time to follow and watch the games (on Stan I believe) so they can have a slightly better idea on who teams are going and thus making picking winners a bit easier. If in doubt you can always use the blindfold and stick a pin in method! Anyway give it some though and get your tips in by 7.05pm NZ time tonight (or if you miss that you can still tip for the remaining games)
https://www.thesilverfern.com/tipping-submit -
I've tipped as an individual Hopefully I can remember to tip every week.
Good to see at least three Saffas tipping this year so there is no excuse for anyone from Aussie (or anywhere else for that matter) having a go! Tips from the following received so far
Northland: MuddyRiver, TaniwhaRugby, FarNthHayden, Gunner, Justin77, One still needed
Harbour/Auckland: DK, Fiamacho, Andrew Farrell, Dogmeat, Two still needed
Counties/Waikato: Mikedogz, Crucial, OomPB, Unite, Hooroo, One still needed how about @OleOleOle ????
Bay of Plenty: Donsteppa, Bayimports, Sportboy, Three still needed
Hawkes Bay: Delicatessen, PAJ, Stockcar86, Higgins, Two still needed
Wairarapa Bush: Waynes World, Triple T, Langakali, Plastered Peni, Victor, One still needed
Wellington: Hurrycanes, Richie, Canes4Life, Mikey07, Hydro11, Laurence, Roster fill but still enter for Wellington if you want as KP will make the final determination as to the starting lineup
South Island: Broughie, Stag, Four more still required
Individual: Joan & Mary, Jonathan Wiltshire, Kruse, Antipodean, Kiwimurph, Still room for plenty more Remember cut off time if you want to be in for every game is 7.05pm NZ time. Miss that time you can still tip for the remaining games
https://www.thesilverfern.com/tipping-submit -
@kiwiwomble Like we all hope we can do at the start of every tipping season you might come good this time round, just like your Otago team promises to do. Plenty of room in the South Island Team for you.
Just processing the tips and sorting into teams. Absentee tippers who are regulars are @Virgil & @Smudge but all the others appear to have returned which is great news.
New tippers are Andrew Farrell & Jonathan Wiltshire - welcome. There is a Facebook group you can join which has reminders to tip if you're more likely to see it there rather than here. https://www.facebook.com/groups/590271681147113
Post a message on this thread so we know who you are.