Details link in match threads
I built something that I'll find useful, maybe some others will too
Summary pages of matches are back. Like previously, you can reach them by clicking on the details button on the AB, SR & NPC results pages
The big change is you can now reach them by clicking on the rugby ball button in match threads
The button only appears in All Blacks Test threads, Super rugby match threads and NPC match threads. Those are the only games with details
What does the details show? Score, Team lists, highlights videos, any articles/promoted posts about the match, plus a list of the last 10 matches between the two sides
Here's a couple of examples:
ABs v England 2019
Auckland v Wellington 2020The AB example has lots of stuff on it. The NPC is the minimum that a details page will have after a game
So early in a match week there may be no details but as the teams are named stuff will start to appear
I know when I am following a match thread I often want to check the team list. This is an easy way of doing that.
Also if you navigate to a match details page from a thread, the score and other spoilers about the game will be hidden. There is a button to show the score & other spoilers. That's so you can quickly find and watch the highlights of a game without knowing the result