TSF Mitre 10 Cup Tipping 2018
Scores from the weekend
Counties-Waikato 40 - 44 Northland
BOP 46 - 49 Wairarapa Bush
South Island 45 - 41 Harbour-Auckland
Wellington 48 - 52 Hawke's BayStargazer 72
Donsteppa 62
Smudge 59
Gunner 58
Higgins 56
Corkscrew 55
Victor 53
Cactus Jack 53
Trooa 52
Hydro11 51
Langakali 51
Plastered Peni 51
Hurrycanes 51
Stockcar86 51
Laurence 50
Clara 49
Tim 48
Mikedogz 46
Fiamacho 45
Triple T 45
Unite 45
Buck 45
Waynes World 45
Joan and Mary 44
Phooey 44
Justin77 43
KP 43
Virgil 43
Sportboy 43
DK 42
Antipodean 41
Hooroo 41
FarNthHayden 39
Dogmeat 38
ACT Crusader 37
Richie 36
TR 36
Bay Imports 36
Winger 35
Broughie 35
Paj 32
Crucial 28 -
Leaderboard is up to date here
Stargazer picking 7/7 with 6 maximums (in a tricky tipping week) has propelled him to the top by 7 from Gunner with Smudge 6 further back and Donsteppa and Victor completing the top 5.
Hawke's Bay and Northland top the ladder with 2 bonus point wins. BOP and Counties-Waikato at the foot of the table, the Chiefs franchise is struggling.
Reminder - first game is Wednesday night this week. Tip at
Reminder - tip before the first game tonight
looks like another tough week for guesses!
2 games in and only Buck is on a maximum 20/20. Plenty on 17, 15 and 14 though as the favourites took both games.
Counties-Waikato 11 - 18 Wairarapa Bush
BOP 12 - 14 Harbour-Auckland
South Island 12 - 17 Wellington
Hawke's Bay 9 - 16 NorthlandStargazer 132
Gunner 125
Smudge 120
Victor 118
Donsteppa 116
Higgins 110
Justin77 110
Hydro11 110
Tim 106
Fiamacho 105
Langakali 105Also it is the first round of the TSF Cup, winners go into the next round along with 11 best losers.
Stargazer 14 v 9 Crucial
Donsteppa 14 v 12 Paj
Smudge 15 v 0 ACT Crusader
Gunner 14 v 17 Winger
Higgins 14 v 15 Broughie
Victor 17 v 15 Richie
Cactus Jack 17 v 17 TR
Hydro11 15 v 15 Bay Imports
Langakali 17 v 15 Dogmeat
Plastered Peni 17 v 14 FarNthHayden
Hurrycanes 17 v 10 Antipodean
Stockcar86 7 v 17 Hooroo
Laurence 17 v 9 DK
Clara 0 v 17 Justin77
Tim 17 v 14 KP
Trooa 10 v 12 Virgil
Mikedogz 7 v 7 Sportboy
Fiamacho 17 v 14 Joan and Mary
Triple T 12 v 14 Phooey
Corkscrew 15 v 17 Waynes World
Unite 14 v 20 Buck -
2 games left and here is your update.
5 still running 6/6 on result picks.
Phooey 49
Langakali 49
Laurence 49
Broughie 47
Fiamacho 47
Buck 47
Bay Imports 44
Unite 44
Victor 44
Hurrycanes 44
Winger 44Counties-Waikato 33 - 43 Wairarapa Bush
BOP 36 - 39 Harbour-Auckland
South Island 33 - 42 Wellington
Hawke's Bay 29 - 38 NorthlandStargazer 159
Smudge 147
Gunner 145
Victor 145
Donsteppa 140
Higgins 137
Langakali 137
Fiamacho 135
Hydro11 134
Laurence 133Stargazer 41 v 36 Crucial
Donsteppa 38 v 37 Paj
Smudge 42 v 0 ACT Crusader
Gunner 34 v 44 Winger
Higgins 41 v 47 Broughie
Victor 44 v 34 Richie
Cactus Jack 34 v 41 TR
Hydro11 39 v 44 Bay Imports
Langakali 49 v 40 Dogmeat
Plastered Peni 39 v 34 FarNthHayden
Hurrycanes 44 v 27 Antipodean
Stockcar86 27 v 37 Hooroo
Laurence 49 v 31 DK
Clara 0 v 34 Justin77
Tim 41 v 41 KP
Trooa 34 v 37 Virgil
Mikedogz 19 v 24 Sportboy
Fiamacho 47 v 39 Joan and Mary
Triple T 36 v 49 Phooey
Corkscrew 34 v 34 Waynes World
Unite 44 v 47 Buck -
Here are the week's final totals - Broughie the only one to pick 7/8 (good performance on a tricky weekend). Stargazer still leads by 10 overall from Smudge and Victor and it is very close in the rest of the top 10. Northland still have maximum points for the season and lead by 3 from the Bush who also have 3 wins.
Counties-Waikato 39 - 47 Wairarapa Bush
BOP 39 - 44 Harbour-Auckland
South Island 38 - 48 Wellington
Hawke's Bay 36 - 43 NorthlandBroughie 59
Fiamacho 57
Buck 57
Hurrycanes 54
Langakali 53
Hydro11 51
Laurence 49
Phooey 49
Victor 48
Winger 46
Unite 46
Bay Imports 46
Tim 45
TR 45
Smudge 44
Dogmeat 44
Higgins 43
KP 43
Plastered Peni 43
FarNthHayden 43
Crucial 43
Stargazer 41
Trooa 41
Joan and Mary 39
Hooroo 39
Donsteppa 38
Triple T 38
Richie 38
Corkscrew 38
Stockcar86 37
Virgil 37
Antipodean 37
Paj 37
Gunner 36
Justin77 36
Cactus Jack 36
DK 35
Waynes World 34
Mikedogz 31
Sportboy 26
Clara 21
ACT Crusader 21Stargazer 41 v 43 Crucial
Donsteppa 38 v 37 Paj
Smudge 44 v 21 ACT Crusader
Gunner 36 v 46 Winger
Higgins 43 v 59 Broughie
Victor 48 v 38 Richie
Cactus Jack 36 v 45 TR
Hydro11 51 v 46 Bay Imports
Langakali 53 v 44 Dogmeat
Plastered Peni 43 v 43 FarNthHayden
Hurrycanes 54 v 37 Antipodean
Stockcar86 37 v 39 Hooroo
Laurence 49 v 35 DK
Clara 21 v 36 Justin77
Tim 45 v 43 KP
Trooa 41 v 37 Virgil
Mikedogz 31 v 26 Sportboy
Fiamacho 57 v 39 Joan and Mary
Triple T 38 v 49 Phooey
Corkscrew 38 v 34 Waynes World
Unite 46 v 57 BuckCrucial 0 v 0 Antipodean
Donsteppa 0 v 0 Triple T
Smudge 0 v 0 Richie
Winger 0 v 0 Joan and Mary
Broughie 0 v 0 Unite
Victor 0 v 0 KP
TR 0 v 0 Bay Imports
Hydro11 0 v 0 Dogmeat
Langakali 0 v 0 Higgins
Hurrycanes 0 v 0 Stargazer
Hooroo 0 v 0 FarNthHayden
Laurence 0 v 0 Plastered Peni
Justin77 0 v 0 Buck
Tim 0 v 0 Corkscrew
Trooa 0 v 0 Phooey
Mikedogz 0 v 0 Fiamacho -
Geez, guess I should watch some more games before tipping.
@Stockcar86 Thanks for sucking last week.
@hooroo bleh
My Magpie boys lost to my wife's team Counties, I ended up getting the same points as @antipodean in the TSF Cup but looks like I lost the coin toss and he made it through to the next round, so all round suckiness...
@antipodean not sure that helps greatly bro!
Thanks to Duluth, all the latest updates are on
including the Cup and the latest stats.
@stockcar86 said in TSF Mitre 10 Cup Tipping 2018:
My Magpie boys lost to my wife's team Counties, I ended up getting the same points as @antipodean in the TSF Cup but looks like I lost the coin toss and he made it through to the next round, so all round suckiness...
It was a random tiebreaker of "who had most maximums in the week" to sort out the qualifiers who scored 37.