Superbru Mitre 10 Cup - Fern NPC
I didn't need a code to enter, just logged in and I was there with all you
muppetssuperstars! -
How does scoring work - is lowest score better? I thought I was rocking it, but sorting by the last column - TDM, I am bottom of the Fern group
The TDM is the total distance margin between what you picked it would be and what it actually was, thus the lower the better. It is generally used to tiebreak those on win points + margin points (you get a 0.5 bonus if you are within five points of the actual) + bonus points (1 point is awarded to the closest tipper - spilt if there is more than one).
The bonus point is only awarded if someone is within about a dozen or so points of the actual (can't remember the exact amount) eg the closest tipper might pick a margin of 22 and the actual is 67 then no bonus is awarded but tip 22 and the margin is 34 then the bonus will be awarded to the closest tipper - hope this helps!
Ahh, thanks Higgins
I won the Bonus Points comp that I just invented
Remember picks in early this week as there is a Wednesday game at Eden Park
Reminder that the competition is still running, so pick for the semi's this week and finals next week
Bonus points the key!
@stockcar86 And you picked the most results (by 1.5) so hard to argue with your victory.